Reconstructing Main Street
in the Worcester Central Business District
In 2018, we started a reconstruction project in the Worcester Central Business District to revamp Main Street. We collaborated with multiple organizations, including MassDOT, National Grid, and BETA Group, Inc. to update the existing roadways and infrastructure through these and more.
Improvements made:
- Created a variable mill and overlay for the existing roadway
- Widened the roadway to full-depth
- Improved drainage, including new precast catch basins and manholes
- Reconstructed cement concrete sidewalks
- Rebuilt stamp-crete with granite curbing on both sides of the roadway
- Modified existing sidewalk structure and wheelchair ramps
- Upgraded traffic signals
- Improved signage and pavement markings
- Improved safety controls and signs for construction areas throughout the Central Business District
We expect to complete this project in Spring/Summer 2021, with the remaining updates including roadway asphalt surface course, line striping, and imprinted crosswalks. All of these updates will improve the traffic flow in the business district and create a safer environment for pedestrians.
Reconstructed Subsurface Vaults
The Central Business District included over 1.5 million dollars in subsurface vaults that extended from building basements under the sidewalk. When we started this project, the vaults were extremely deteriorated and the actual subsurface limits were unknown at bid time. We rebuilt the subsurface vaults so that they extended to the existing roadway.
We completed extensive surveying to identify a strategy to reconstruct the vaults correctly. We also conducted precondition and postcondition surveys to ensure that we did not compromise the existing high rise structures in the Central Business District.
Collaborated with MassDOT and National Grid
This project consisted of over 10.5 million dollars of work to upgrade traffic signals and site lighting locations. The electrical infrastructure to power these lights did not exist when we started this project. We successfully upgraded the electrical infrastructure and via the new design system carefully planned and coordinated by our partners MassDOT and National Grid.
Retrofitted A Historic City With New Updates
The infrastructure on Main Street was incompatible with proposed curbs sidewalks and wheelchair ramps. The roadway’s flat nature created drainage problems, which made it difficult to properly pave the road. We addressed this problem first because water drainage is a key safety component in future reconstruction projects.
To complete the paving, we conducted extensive survey work and collaborated with BETA and MassDOT to schedule our sequence of work. We utilized the expert design and innovative technology of our partners to provide a quality end result from our diligent grading, milling, and paving processes.

We partner closely with engineers to bring their designs to life. We’re pre-qualified with multiple agencies to create an efficient proposal process.
When you work with Northern Construction, you can trust that we pay close attention to every detailed specification and requirement. Sit back and relax as your design transfers from dream into reality.
We prioritize safety guidelines in our project planning because we care about our clients, construction workers, and communities. Click the link below to see how we consistently exceed safety standards.